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CPD Courses.

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You can then login using your email address or username and password and book your course.

Once registered check your email and look out for the email "Dublin West Education Centre CPD Courses - Your details"

24SPR47 Making Sense of Autism Support with Mary Mc Kenna: How to support communication development through the day

24SPR47 Making Sense of Autism Support with Mary Mc Kenna: How to support communication development through the day

DWEC presents a series of ‘How to’ webinars to support teachers to make sense of their role as Autism class teachers or SETs in the primary school setting.

3) How to support communication throughout the school day:

  • Participants will explore how they can adapt their own communication style to maximise connection and engagement with their pupils. Naming the reality for their pupils and providing language that supports the pupil to register what is going on for them in the moment.
  • Participants will learn about the importance of building relationships that will support the social use of language and become familiar with 'Mary's 6 Step Programme to Trust and Co-operation through Relationship' and learn how to apply it in their own setting.
  • Participants will explore the use of music to support development of language and turn-taking.

Attend individual stand-alone webinars or follow several to qualify for inclusion in Mary’s Support workshops run in-person twice-termly in DWEC. Final webinars in this series;
4) How to struggle less and thrive more (April 16th)

Mary’s enthusiasm for keeping things as simple as possible so that we conserve all our energy for the important stuff can be infectious. Keeping forensically focused on how we support each individual child to thrive can strip away a lot of the peripheral energy-wasters. Aligning our teaching style to the learning style of our pupils is key. We might just be our own best resource. Join Mary to explore ways in which this precious energy resource can be sustained.

Suitable for Primary & Post Primary School Leaders, Teachers, SETs, SNAs & Parents

Course Details

Course Date 05-03-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 05-03-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 05-03-2024 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Mary McKenna
Location Online

Course Full, Log In for Waiting List