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24SPR48 Making Sense of Autism Support with Mary Mc Kenna: How to struggle less and thrive more

24SPR48 Making Sense of Autism Support with Mary Mc Kenna: How to struggle less and thrive more

DWEC presents a series of ‘How to’ webinars to support teachers to make sense of their role as Autism class teachers or SETs in the primary school setting. This webinar is the final in this series. 

4) How to struggle less and thrive more:

  • Participants will explore well-being for their pupils and themselves by looking at ways to support regulation for everyone . 'An escalated adult cannot de-escalate and escalated child' (Mathew Portel, 2019).
  • Participants will be invited to name the reality for the pupils and themselves. Sometimes, we might have to say 'I'm struggling a bit here. Let's try something else'.
  • Participants will be invited to embrace the possibilities but not tie their self-worth to the successes or otherwise.
  • Participants will be invited to seriously embrace curiosity and see mistakes and tricky situations as learning opportunities that supply even more insight for us as managers and educators to support our pupils to thrive.

Mary’s enthusiasm for keeping things as simple as possible so that we conserve all our energy for the important stuff can be infectious. Keeping forensically focused on how we support each individual child to thrive can strip away a lot of the peripheral energy-wasters. Aligning our teaching style to the learning style of our pupils is key. We might just be our own best resource. Join Mary to explore ways in which this precious energy resource can be sustained.

Suitable for Primary & Post Primary School Leaders, Teachers, SETs, SNAs & Parents

Course Details

Course Date 16-04-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 16-04-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 16-04-2024 3:00 pm
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Speaker Mary McKenna
Location Online